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Manufacturing software
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Manufacturing software

GSO's manufacturing software can be used across such diverse industries as space and marine engineering, automotive, chemical, food processing and packaging, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, machine tooling, textiles, pulp and paper, mining, electronics, utilities maintenance, consumer goods, transportation and many more.

GSO also offers a variety of complementary third party partner products specifically tailored to enhance alarm, control, trending, quality analysis and reporting capabilities. We have been extremely successful in our undertaking to incorporate all third party partner products into the entire software system confirming at each juncture that every component is fully compatible with the system.

GSO offers manufacturers an immediate and ongoing control over plant site information. We enable industrialists to improve their production capacity and operations.

GSO's products are remarkably suited to moving data within a network, religiously adhering to the objectives of maximum throughput, minimum delay and minimum cost. The similarity to the task job of moving components and subassemblies around a factory is inescapable.

GSO's CAD/CAM solutions allow designers to select the drive they need for their designs by clicking on the drive as represented in the software. The software can be placed on the Internet or Intranet depending on the particular manufacturers' practice and policy. The software allows users to work through drop-down menus to find the best drives for their applications. Once a selection is made, the software presents scaled computer-aided design drawings. Drive selection results can also be submitted via the Internet for price quotes. Many more functions can be made available upon request and in conformity with production goals.

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